Here are some reasons why we share our stories on humansof2020.com

1. Sharing our experiences helps us feel better.
2. We want to pass on our lessons.
3. We want to enshrine special memories.
4. In 10 years, we want to look back on how we got through 2020.
5. We simply want to share our gratitude.
6. Our children should know we stood together.
7. Our company cared for its employees.
8. As a government, we delivered to our peoples’ trust.


Don’t want to share your story? Here are some reasons
that could change your mind.

You feel your story is not interesting enough

Your 2020 experience is unique. No one else can claim that. Sharing that unique experience with feeling can touch another person’s life and provide lessons to many. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering or epic. It simply needs to come from the heart.

You think no one will care about your story

That’s possible, but unlikely. If you want people to care for your story, then start by caring for your own story. Even if it’s an audience of one, you’ve, made a difference.

You believe you’re not a good storyteller

If you grew up listening to stories, you are a better storyteller than you think you are. Over 65% of your conversations every day are made of stories. If you don’t compare your story to a TED talk by an expert, you’ll be just fine!

You don’t want to be the centre of attention

Actually, the meaning of the story is the centre of attention. People care more about what they get from the story and less about who told the story.  You are simply a channel to bring that story to life based on your experiences.

Writing a story is stressful!

Writing a story is not stressful. What’s stressful is focusing on what people think of you. It’s quite and easy to write a story – there’s you in 2020 with a goal and some obstacles to overcome. Then there’s some kind of resolution. You could highlight a surprise moment, an unexpected victory, or a lesson learned. That’s it!

Someone will judge you

Sure, people are doing that all the time. But remember that the real center of the stories you tell is the meaning other people will derive from it – the learning, the lesson, the insight, or wisdom they will be able apply to their own lives.

You are a private person

Your stories are your own unless you choose to share them with others. That being said, you have two choices – you can keep your story for yourself, or see yourself as catalyst for change where your story may be of benefit to others.

Your story isn’t ready

Sometimes, the assumption that “my story isn’t ready to share” is simply a function of perfectionism. Sometimes, the only way your story will be ready to share is to tell it. One thing’s for sure – somebody on the planet is waiting for it. 

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