40: Splash of colours

Sameera MK Humans of 2020

The lockdown wasn’t easy on me or my kids. I have 3 children – 10 years , 7 years and 7 months – age when the whole of United Arab Emirates went into a lockdown in March 2020. I was so confident that it will end in a week or two. And that schools will open as usual, everything will be back to normal. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined that soon the terms such as social distancing, let’s zoom, mask up, new normal will be part of our normal lives.

I am sure you can imagine my misery handling 3 boys, yes all the three I mentioned above are BOYS! The stress of e-learning, staying home, constant parenting, housekeeping, lack of sleep because my baby doesn’t sleep like a baby (whoever found that phrase never had a baby I am sure)-all this left no time for personal care and eventually took a toll on my mental health.

That’s when a miracle happened. The founder of NRI Woman Podcast, Bettina Menon suggested that I go live on facebook for their members with a painting workshop. After that painting workshop, I felt light, energetic, relieved and peaceful within. Did I mention that I paint? It struck me then. I asked my girl friends on my school whatsapp group if they will be willing to show up for zoom painting sessions. And that’s how I started the free fortnightly zoom painting sessions where we complete an entire painting anywhere between one hour to 90 minutes. When I see the final work of my participants at the end of the session, I feel emotions I am unable to describe.

Each participant – ages 8 and above, even 60 year old folks show up, add in their unique style and interpret each work in their own way. I have participants today from different parts of the middle east and India, people whom I have never met, but all of us come together twice a month, to splash colours on a canvas and create magic. The final art work they display on their camera, gives me peace, tranquility and a huge sense of accomplishment that no lockdown can dampen. That has kept me going and a big hug to Bettina who was responsible for planting this seed in my mind. 

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3 years ago

Sameera, much power to you and your journey in paints. I hope you’ll continue with your stand up comedy as well – I remember laughing so hard when I first saw you perform in Dubai!

3 years ago

I am so proud of you Sameera. What you juggle is not easy! To be able to manage your time and give each one their due be it parents, friends, family, your passion for painting- truly is a feat. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this beautiful journey and the gift of your priceless friendship. ❤

Last edited 3 years ago by DIVYA
Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words Sameera. I remember you from the first show and remember thinking what a remarkable woman you are. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
