68: Life presently – What I feel today…

Jamila De luc Humansof2020
I wanted to share this nice poem which is reflecting exactly my thoughts.
“Never have I seen
such a mess in life.

The air is pure but
wearing a mask is

Roads are empty
but it is impossible
to go on long drive.

People have clean
hands but there is a
ban on shaking hands.

Friends have time to
sit together but they
cannot get together.

The cook inside you
is crazy, but you cannot
call anyone for lunch or

Every Monday,
the heart longs to go out, but the weekend does not seem to end.

Those who have money
have no way to spend it.

Those who don’t have
money have no way to
earn it.

There is enough time
on hand but you can’t
fulfill your dreams.

The culprit is all around
but cannot be seen.

A world full of irony!”
“Be positive but test negative.”

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

It really is ironic and that’s a beautiful poem Jamila, reflecting how many of us feel. Stay blessed and thank you for sharing.
