53: Be the Change.

I was keen on starting a global youth organisation to raise awareness on Female Genital Cutting when my dad said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I am currently in my second-year law degree in the UK and have worked with intellectual and disability awareness organisations in India for several years. My passion for social issues and changemaking stems from growing up with my family who were involved in changemaking in their own right. Growing up listening to speeches from Michelle Obama, who is my role model and her quote, “Success is about the difference you make in people’s lives” resonated with me deeply. 

At University, I was a member of a volunteering project which raises awareness on forced marriages, honour-based violence and female genital cutting. Upon interacting with friends and family about these topics, I realised that most people were unaware about what Female Genital Cutting is and the extent to which it is practised around the world today. I started Scarlet Udaan, a global youth organisation to raise awareness on FGC, with the hope that it will pave the way for a world which symbolises the freedom and limitless possibilities that exist for women. 

FGC is a global concern today and it is estimated by the World Health Organisation that 200 million women around the world have undergone FGM/C. When I first learnt about FGC, I was perplexed about the extent to which it is being practised across 92 countries. I have always had a passion for working on social issues and with NGOs and my aim is to raise awareness on FGC and the impact it has on the lives of girls who undergo this procedure. Being a youth activist and looking up to others like Malala and Greta, has made me believe in the power of youth driving change and being the voice of tomorrow. 

To other youth activists and changemakers in your own right: “Always dream out loud about the world you wish to live in. Be yourself and follow your passion. Always remember: every step you take as a change-maker, no matter how big or how small, makes the world a better place and takes us one step closer to our goals every day.”

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Your passion comes through Sanya. Wishing your organization much success. Thank you for sharing your story.
