42: 2020: Year of self-realization


2020 tought us all how to accept the changes in life without complaining. Everything is possible like work from home, schooling and so on😀. I moved along with my family to a new country in 2019. I was in settling down phase, when the pandemic spread. Though Sydney was one of the least hit places by pandemic, it got me to think that “Life is Beautiful”.

I have always believed in focusing on positive side of any given situation. I started to love myself more and realised that it is not being selfish to love oneself, rather it builds a good foundation for a solid family – You can only give what you have.

2020 made me realise and believe in my passion and potential strongly. I started the Fitness and Yoga classes for kids and grown ups. Though it started with baby steps, I am heading towards the fulfilment. It keeps me happy, balanced and satisfied. I do virtual classes across the world at different timelines and though the charges are nominal it is the joy I get from the message I am spreading that is, staying healthy physically and mentally. 

Did you know humansof2020.com is a self-publishing platform. The stories are not curated and open to everyone to share their experience. Join the community and share your experience today.
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3 years ago

Chat you are truly amazing. I have seen your videos training kids and you have made it so much fun for them. You are helping opening up a new world for them with Yoga. Wishing you all the best and hope you have great success in building your future training in Yoga.

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Chaitra your positivity shines through. Wish you more fulfillment and success as you bring people together through your passion. Thank you for sharing your experience.
